Dr. Evans is a California Licensed Psychologist, #PSY 12242.

Dr. Evans is also a registrant in the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology. The National Register (NR) is a nonprofit organization with over 30 years of experience serving the public, psychologists, and the healthcare community. They are the largest and most successful credentialing organization in psychology.

Dr. Evans is an Employee Assistance Professional for several companies, which includes employee counseling, management consultation, team building, critical incident debriefing, stress management training, and other educational programs.

Other certifications

Qualified Medical Evaluator, State of California
Independent Medical Examiner, State of California
Rated 4+ (fully bilingual) in Spanish, U.S. Foreign Service Institute


B.A. Psychology, Pitzer College of the Claremont Colleges, Claremont, CA
M.A. Psychology, United States International University (USIU), San Diego, CA
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, USIU (currently California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University), San Diego, CA


San Diego Psychological Association
California Psychological Association
American Psychological Association